Growing Happy Families

What Would You Do? - Four little words with heart!

Kim Lee-Own Season 2 Episode 2

Many times, raising children, you will find yourself faced with things that go wrong! It might be accidents - major or minor, or a fight between siblings, homework that hasn't been done or a sports kit that hasn't been washed ready for lessons. 

Whatever is happening, often we parents like to spin round fast, put on our superhero cloak and swoosh in, to rescue and fix. Now, sometimes that is definitely the right thing to do, especially if there's injury and danger. But there are occasions when we might make more work for ourselves all in service of feeling like we're being good parents, only to find that we feel exhausted and resentful if the children continue expecting to be helped out at any given moment. 

What we probably want, is for our children to learn how to sort things and solve problems for themselves. But we have to help them learn how! 

This is where the four little words come in! 

This conversation is about helping children think things through...     

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